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Interview: The Glam Green Girl

Figure A - @cassicass_tm

Meet ‘The Glam Green Girl’ Cassidy Taylor- Memmory, a 27 year old fashion blogger from Pretoria. A woman who is passionate for the environment, animals and makeup; basically what is important in this world. A kind and gentle soul whose life goal is to help people live a sustainable and eco-friendly life, and we need more people like her. She started her blog in June 2011 to talk about her personal discoveries in living a sustainable life, but to also help people like us who want to do the same but are really lazy. She was a Miss Earth South Africa Regional finalist, is the Ambassador for ‘Platbos Forest in South Africa’, ‘McNab’s Natural Energy’ and the brand ambassador for ‘Earth Life Media’ and was Green Model of The Year from ‘The Green Living Guy’. Guys she is so cool and if you can’t agree with that by now then there is something wrong with you and you need to be smacked.

One thing that I realized, when creating this blog, is that there are sadly not enough media influencers in South Africa using their powers to help save this planet in any way they can. That’s why I was so happy to have found Cassidy, my faith was restored. I hope that this interview can show you just how easy it is to make this world a better place. You really don’t have to sacrifice anything to look your best and at the same time help the environment, animals and humans suffering because of the need to have and be the best. Frankly, you will be gaining more from doing this (and maybe your kid will actually see a rhino…or China). I really wish I could’ve met Cassidy in person for this interview but unfortunately that couldn’t happen, however it was still an honour to interview her. Here it is.

1. I want to know a bit about your life first. Is blogging your actual job? Do you think it could be a real job?

“As much as I love blogging, it’s not my actual job. I have a full time job; teach art part-time and do a bit of freelancing on the side. I work on my blog during my evenings and dedicate a good portion of my weekends to my blog. I do think it could one day be a real job as brands are becoming more aware of the influence bloggers can have.” - Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“I see myself as someone who will have travelled a substantial amount of the world, grown as a business woman and continuing my passion for helping others to make small and easy eco-changes in their everyday life.” -Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

3. I see you love to travel. How do you travel and still be sustainable?

“Love to travel is a bit of an understatement haha, it’s something I’m so passionate about. I firmly believe in experiencing all of the world’s different walks of life and this is why I spend so much time saving and planning for my next trips. To travel sustainably means researching the accommodations you’re staying at, are they contributing to helping the environment? What do they do to offset their carbon footprint from all their guests?

While you’re at your hotel, reuse your towel instead of having a fresh one delivered every day; bring your own toiletries instead of using the complimentary ones which creates so much wastage; make sure your lights and aircons are switched off when leaving the room – small things like that can make a big difference.” - Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

4. You care so much about this environment. What or who made you realize that you need to do what you can to save this planet?

“It started with a recycling programme that had begun at the estate we stay at, this led to me starting to research why exactly recycling was so important in this day and age? Distraught by the facts I was finding out, I decided to try and use my voice to help others understand why we need to play our part in helping the environment.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

5. You first started your blog talking about recycling, how did it turn into a beauty blog?

“A few months after I started my blog, I got an internship at the Oprah Magazine down in Cape Town in the beauty department. This opened a whole new door for me into the beauty world and I decided that I would join my love of the environment and beauty together going forward in my blogging career. I love that while I get to share so many beauty products, I also get to share a lot of eco tips with my readers.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

Figure B - @cassicass_tm

6. Cattle agriculture is the biggest source of global warming, not to mention the cruelty these animals go through. So what do you think about vegetarianism and veganism as a way to stop this? Would you ever try it or think more people should do it?

“For me I totally understand the concept of cattle agriculture and the effects it has on the environment but feel it’s easier to get my message across of a greener life by making people more aware of everyday wastage and how reusing; recycling and reducing can make an impact on our sustainability. I still eat meat, it’s a personal choice for me and don’t impose on anyone’s choice of diet. I do think that vegetarianism and veganism is a great way to help the environment and do believe in the future I will turn more towards vegetarianism.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

7. Have you had to sacrifice anything you loved in order to live sustainably?

“I think the biggest sacrifice I feel in trying to be more sustainable is the amount of beauty products I no longer use, there are such great brands that I would just love to use but choose not to as they don’t agree with what I believe in.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

8. People tend to be quite lazy and won’t care where their makeup or clothes come from because it would be too much “effort” to do research. How do you think we can start changing their minds?

“I think by constantly reminding them of the fantastic brands that are out there that are so much better for them and the environment.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

9. There are many people that think that you can’t look “trendy” and wear sustainable clothes. How do you look so stylish with sustainable fashion? Where do you shop?

“The sustainable fashion world is still something I personally need to work on. I do try and be more sustainable by choosing items I know will last a long time; looking for more local brands to wear and then either repairing or upcycling items that I already owe to give them another life. I also try clean out my closet often to donate to those who need it.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

10. What quick advice can you give to people who want to start living sustainably?

“My best tips would be to look into recycling banks near you or if your area offers recycling. Start getting into the habit of separating your waste. Shower with a bucket (seriously!). Choose glass packaging. Say no to the straw when you’re out at a restaurant. Choose cruelty-free beauty products. Take it step by step and you’ll find it all starts to become a habit.”- Cassidy Taylor-Memmory

It was so reassuring reading her answers, taking better care of this planet really can be easy and turned into a habit if you take it step by step and are dedicated, and in such simple ways! I actually learned a lot from Cassidy and I hope you all can too, so please make sure to read her blog The Glam Green Girl!!

Figure A: cassicass_tm. 2017. [online image]. Available: [accessed: 26/10/2017]

Figure B: cassicas_tm. 2017. Blending in. [online image]. Available: [accessed: 26/10/2017]

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